Sunday, June 26, 2005
Look!!! I'm an artist
I always knew I was autistic...I mean artistic. Watch the progression of these masterpieces.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Ale's room finalized
Here are pictures of Ale's room now that we are done painting and hanging stuff. Props go out to Ana for her creativity and my sisters for the gift certificates to Ikea and Home Depot (and me for my money when the gift certificates were spent and a lot of time...3 weeks)

Eminent Domain
So, the government can now take property to boost economic fortune. WTF!!! If you haven't heard, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of using eminent domain to help generate a city's economic growth.
What does that mean...the city can take your house to build a strip mall. Granted they have to pay you, but still, you gotta go. It's a load of crap.
Here's the link if you want to read further.
What does that mean...the city can take your house to build a strip mall. Granted they have to pay you, but still, you gotta go. It's a load of crap.
Here's the link if you want to read further.
Star Wars Kids
Yeah, so they're my kids...they're not complete nerds like me. I'm working on that. But they're a long way to go from being cool like me :)

Saturday, June 11, 2005
16 Hours Later...
So I began a project to paint my daughter's room while she is on vacation in El Salvador. It began with over 6 (yes over 6) hours of taping. Then a couple hours to rest and have dinner. Then finish it off with 8 hours of painting and applying a second coat. After we peeled the tape off, we decided to the paint as-is. We were going to paint the taped off section the blue, but thougt leaving it alone looked much better (seemed to blend a lot better). We're still working on the room, but here are some pics of the painting project.









