Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Day 3 of Vacation

Well, we finally made it to Austin early, early this morning...around 2 AM. There was hellacious weather in Houston that made us leave later then expected. Luckily we left when we did because I hear there was some nasty weather at home today.

Here's how the day pretty much went...

1) Woke up around 9:30 AM
2) Watched some satellite TV
3) Went to Wal Mart to get some groceries
4) Had lunch (me, eggs and fish sticks...I'm not making that mistake again)
5) Went to the Austin Nature & Science Center. It was fun. The weather could have been nicer but oh pictures to post either. I took plenty, but I left my USB cable for the camera at home...dang.
5A) Looked at the indoor exhibits they had...bees, snake skin, snake rattle, bugs, spiders, etc.
5B) Went to the Dino Pit...dug up some dinosaurs...then re-buried them
5C) Looked at the wild animals that can't be released in the wild
5D) Looked at more animals...birds this time, that can't be released in the wild
5E) Went on the trails they had...pretty nice
6) Went to Wienerschnitzel. Not really German food, but I've never had it
7) Took a nap because I felt a bit ill
8) Went to the mall
9) Watched Lost (this Tivo stuff is great...rewind, fast forward...pretty sweet)
10) Here I am

Weather for tomorrow looks about the same. Mostly cloudy, high of around 83. We'll just wake up and see what there is to do.

Until then....I'm out.

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